Wednesday, June 29, 2011

29th June 2011

Q: Young men in Singapore, including you, will have to go to National service. Why do you think that National Service is compulsory in Singapore and why is it so important? In the poem, the speaker expresses his love for his country England. Do you find this same spirit of patriotism in Singapore? Why? Do you think you have this same spirit of patriotism for Singapore? Why?

A: One important reason for implementing compulsory National Service is that it encourages the young to learn to serve the society. When they realize how they are a part of society and have a stake in whether it flourishes or flounders, they will come to appreciate what has been given to them by the country in terms of security, education and other privileges as citizens. Thus, it is essential that the young serve the society so that they will not take the life they enjoy for granted.

Furthermore, a short stint in serving the country will instill a sense of belonging in the young. They will feel a sense of ownership on the land they call home, which is important to foster a strong generation of responsible people. When the young experience the need for defence or participation in the community, they will see that they have a stake in the society and have much to offer.

Maybe perhaps some people in Singapore will show the spirit of patriotism. There are news, even shown online that a maid helping a soldier to carry his bag. This has obviously shows that that particular soldier took his life for granted, also unable to take care of himself, to be independent, relying on her maid to carry his own bag.

I will, I ought to have the same spirit of patriotism as the speaker of the poem called “The Soldier” by Rupert Brooke. I am now living in a very safe and sound place, also leading a peaceful life in Singapore. Hence we cannot take this privilege for granted. Also, I am a Singaporean, and I sing the National Anthem and the Pledge, this is why I have to love and respect Singapore.